Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Be Careful Of What You Eat!!

So, we went to eat at chili's for lunch today..
I am almost 100% certain that our waiter is slightly confused about his gender,
and has some weird need to let everyone else know...
I got a salad with my entree just because I thought I might eat something healthy...
That's a good thing, Right?
Aparently not.
When my salad arrived, I picked it apart a little
(a habbit since working at Friendly's.. You never know whats in there..)
and come to find out, there's some extras in there.
It looked as if someone spilled something in the cheese and never cleaned it.
Now it was moldy.
The waiter came back, and was asking what's wrong.
And he grabs my plate and puts it almost to his nose..
and decides that it was Feta cheese...
He went and got me a new salad, and redecided that it wasn't Feta,
but Jalapeno pepper jack cheese... which of course they put in all the salads..
BUT, the next salad and Steve's salad had no trace of pepper jack cheese...
Aparently.. A thourough search is always needed if you aren't making the food yourself..


Mom said...

YHWEEEE! And I always order a salad.... ick.

Uncle Rick said...

Hi Melissa, How are you? I see You got married to, I hope all is well
with you and yours. I asked Kay for all your e-mails so I could contact you all and see what is going on. She said you had a blog! I had a heck of a time figuring out about blogs. I still don't know alot about it still, I guess because I am to old to learn. How do you get stuff to Adam, what are some things they could use over there? Sorry about your trip to Chili's I like there chips & salsa.
Also when I try to get Amy's blog it says I have to be invited, could you ask here if I could be allowed? Well I need to do some work, I hope to here from you soon.
Uncle Rick

~ Amy said...

I agree. If you didn't make it yourself, check it out!