Friday, February 6, 2009


So.. last week aparently there were 20+ viruses that got onto my computer.... And there is something that keeps poping up saying I have to spend $40 online to debug it... should i trust it? I think it says it's 'windows defendor' but it has a different icon than any other windows icons... Or should I just go to the store and buy something? Or just take it into a computer place and have them do it? Help!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Be Careful Of What You Eat!!

So, we went to eat at chili's for lunch today..
I am almost 100% certain that our waiter is slightly confused about his gender,
and has some weird need to let everyone else know...
I got a salad with my entree just because I thought I might eat something healthy...
That's a good thing, Right?
Aparently not.
When my salad arrived, I picked it apart a little
(a habbit since working at Friendly's.. You never know whats in there..)
and come to find out, there's some extras in there.
It looked as if someone spilled something in the cheese and never cleaned it.
Now it was moldy.
The waiter came back, and was asking what's wrong.
And he grabs my plate and puts it almost to his nose..
and decides that it was Feta cheese...
He went and got me a new salad, and redecided that it wasn't Feta,
but Jalapeno pepper jack cheese... which of course they put in all the salads..
BUT, the next salad and Steve's salad had no trace of pepper jack cheese...
Aparently.. A thourough search is always needed if you aren't making the food yourself..

Sunday, January 18, 2009

...YES.. I am a slacker...

So, I am the biggest slacker.. I haven't been on my blog in forever!!! I am going to try to remember to get on at least once a week.. That is one of my new year resolutions...

I also think that moving to Logan has not helped the situation.. Here's what's been happening..

One of my dogs had puppies... I was up every night for quite sometime becuase I tried to save one that wasn't doing so well and had to get up every hour and feed him.. I have no idea how you moms do it!! But I have a new found respect for you!!! The puppy I have left, Is super cute!! and he is the sweetest puppy I have ever been around! (but that could also be because he's brain damaged.. literally)..

I am working at Michaels Craft store... And it's really not as fun as i thought it would be... but.. it's a job.. I am also trying to get my dog training up and running.. Already have talked to quiet a few people...

Yesterday I started recovering my couches.. I got them from Tommy and they have taken a beating!! I just couldn't take it any more!!! I will take some pictures tomorrow...

I cannot remember the time when I wasn't sick... I had the flu, then bronchitis... and now I am down to a runny nose and cough.. so that seems promising!

On a good note, my neighbors are awsome!!! It also happens that Nate is the first councelor in our ward.. But they are super friendly and helpful!! They even loaned us a washer and dryer!!!

We are in a need for Rumples to come and visit.. There are cats that run rampant and howl all night!! Aparently they are leftovers from a previous resident...

Saturday, December 8, 2007


So i completely shocked Steve tonight, Tom called and with in three hours, i had all my sstuff packed and ready to go. I am more than ready to get out of my apartment and don't want to be here any longer than i have to be... so, yes i am packed!! I also found out that he is a very jealous man.. I started talking to a guy that i meet a while ago and lost touch with and Steve has been asking 50 million questions about anything and everything to do with this guy.. I find it all very interesting...
Anyways, invetations are almost ready to be printed and sent out... It's just taking a little longer because Steve is helping me stamp them.. And I have a job offer from my apprentice dog trainer.. we are meeting next week to work it all out... We will have to wait and see how that turns out...

Monday, November 19, 2007

What dessert are you?

You are Strawberries with Cream

Fresh and uncomplicated,
you are always enjoyed but often overlooked.
You're confident in who you are.
You don't need a facade to feel better about yourself.

Here are some of the engagement pics.

Yes, I am a slacker..

Yes, it has been quite some time since I have last blogged. But, sad as it is, there isn't much to tell... I can no longer stand to have roommates... I will be moving into Tom's apartment.. I am doing lots and lots of flowers and quickly running out of room to put them.. Steve and I hide out in the car and watch movies because I cannot stand to be around anyone.. I got a raise at work the other day for being a jerk to another employee.. Steve and I got our engagement pictures finished.. I am done with my volunteer work at the animal shelter that had the convicts working there.. My final dress fitting is comming up shortly.. and it's only about another three months until the wedding!!
I have found out that aparently I have fallen off the face of the earth since I am engaged.. (One of the guys at work had to explain this to me one day..) But I guess that is a good thing because I don't have to worry about being hit-on by guys..
Anyways.. I am off.. don't quite know what it is that I am going to do.. but going I am..

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Blindfolds are so over rated!

I don't know what the big hype about wearing a blindfold is!! Besides the obvious of not seeing where you are going, you can't breathe, it may smell (like cardboard), and you have to rely on the other person when you are going to step over things or when there is a step up or down!! All of these reasons are why i dislike blindfolds~ especially not seeing where i am going!! I HAVE to see where I'm going!
But I guess it was alright, seeing as he proposed again and this time he had the ring and got down on one knee. So it's official! We are engaged!! We don't have a date, but it will be sometime after this semester is over...

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Logan River Trail

These were taken on a hike up the Logan River. It was a 3.4 mile hike and the
river weaved through and around the trail. It was beautiful and it was early enough
that it wasn't too hot outside.

Heres Steve

So due to the high demand for pictures, here they are! These are some pics of Steve and I from the past few weeks.. Enjoy!!

These were taken by his Sis in Logan.. His family is just as great as he is and they are so much fun to hang out with!