Saturday, December 8, 2007


So i completely shocked Steve tonight, Tom called and with in three hours, i had all my sstuff packed and ready to go. I am more than ready to get out of my apartment and don't want to be here any longer than i have to be... so, yes i am packed!! I also found out that he is a very jealous man.. I started talking to a guy that i meet a while ago and lost touch with and Steve has been asking 50 million questions about anything and everything to do with this guy.. I find it all very interesting...
Anyways, invetations are almost ready to be printed and sent out... It's just taking a little longer because Steve is helping me stamp them.. And I have a job offer from my apprentice dog trainer.. we are meeting next week to work it all out... We will have to wait and see how that turns out...

Monday, November 19, 2007

What dessert are you?

You are Strawberries with Cream

Fresh and uncomplicated,
you are always enjoyed but often overlooked.
You're confident in who you are.
You don't need a facade to feel better about yourself.

Here are some of the engagement pics.

Yes, I am a slacker..

Yes, it has been quite some time since I have last blogged. But, sad as it is, there isn't much to tell... I can no longer stand to have roommates... I will be moving into Tom's apartment.. I am doing lots and lots of flowers and quickly running out of room to put them.. Steve and I hide out in the car and watch movies because I cannot stand to be around anyone.. I got a raise at work the other day for being a jerk to another employee.. Steve and I got our engagement pictures finished.. I am done with my volunteer work at the animal shelter that had the convicts working there.. My final dress fitting is comming up shortly.. and it's only about another three months until the wedding!!
I have found out that aparently I have fallen off the face of the earth since I am engaged.. (One of the guys at work had to explain this to me one day..) But I guess that is a good thing because I don't have to worry about being hit-on by guys..
Anyways.. I am off.. don't quite know what it is that I am going to do.. but going I am..

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Blindfolds are so over rated!

I don't know what the big hype about wearing a blindfold is!! Besides the obvious of not seeing where you are going, you can't breathe, it may smell (like cardboard), and you have to rely on the other person when you are going to step over things or when there is a step up or down!! All of these reasons are why i dislike blindfolds~ especially not seeing where i am going!! I HAVE to see where I'm going!
But I guess it was alright, seeing as he proposed again and this time he had the ring and got down on one knee. So it's official! We are engaged!! We don't have a date, but it will be sometime after this semester is over...

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Logan River Trail

These were taken on a hike up the Logan River. It was a 3.4 mile hike and the
river weaved through and around the trail. It was beautiful and it was early enough
that it wasn't too hot outside.

Heres Steve

So due to the high demand for pictures, here they are! These are some pics of Steve and I from the past few weeks.. Enjoy!!

These were taken by his Sis in Logan.. His family is just as great as he is and they are so much fun to hang out with!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


These were some of the animals that were at the menagerie in Logan.
I have serious issues with these places and this one was no different!!
If i could have found anyone, I would have yelled at the whole staff!
Anyways, there were mostly ducks and geese and things...

Logan Temple

These were taken on July 13th at the Logan Temple. I went up to Logan to meet Steve's family and we visited the Temple and has all kinds of fun. His family is just as great as he is and they are incredibly friendly!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Butterfly or Little Girl?

More photos

And what is it that you want...?

Kate showing off her climbing skills!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Lost Photos

These are some of the photos from when I was watching the girls..

Emma decided to put on some chapstick on Sunday before church...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sprinkler Fun

So i forgot to add on the last blog.. Sprinklers are great!! haha! On Saturday night (late saturday night) Steve and I decided to have a little fun.. We went to the first park that we could find and ran and played in the sprinklers! I had no idea how much fun they could be.. until I slipped and fell on one of the sprinkler heads.. and I have the bruise to prove it.. All in all it was great I never knew what I was missing out on and I highly recomend it! haha!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Singles Wards..

So I have moved into my new apartment and my room mates are fantastic!! I couldn't ask for better girls to have! I started working at Super Sonic on Monday and that is going great! Everyone is very friendly there too!! I also went to my first Sunday in a singles ward.. I am not too sure about it yet.. I don't like meeting at BYU..It feels weird.. and ward prayer is very different as well.. I was getting into bed and all of a sudden there were people singing really loud and my one roommate came in and told me that it was time for ward prayer and announcements and to sing together.. I had no idea what she was talking about.. It will take a while for me to get used to it i think.. But, it happens...

Friday, July 6, 2007

Still behind

So still no pics.. I had found my cable, put it somewhere safe, and cannot find it again. Aparently it's really safe... So I won't ruin the stories by telling them with out the pics.. And I know that I am really behind on pictures now. Sorry, you still have to wait.. I moved into my apartment yesterday.. It's deffinately different, but I got to sleep in today!! And my roommates are great! And I have already meet a few of the guys in the complex.. Aparently the girls in my apartment and a few others have dinner four nights out of the week and it alternates who cooks... so I am already cooking next Thursday! And on Sunday my apartment is suppsed to be singing in sacriment and they haven't even picked out a song or anything yet!! And of course I didn't bring any of the sheet music that I had at home.. Anyways, I am off to apply for more jobs.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Another Date

So I applied to a few jobs on Friday.. and three hours later I got a call for an interview!! Haha!! I think that was the fastest call back ever! Steve took me out to Olive Garden and we went to a park and we played on the playground (and it was so much fun!!). Then on Saturday we went to Temple Square. We went on a train (completely over rated!!) I will never go on one again. We watched the Joseph Smith movie, walked around the temple and the square and watched the pioneer movie and a movie on eternal families inside the visitors center. It was a beautiful day and I will have to update with photos later when I get to my cable. And today I went to my first singles ward.. it was deffinately interesting.. but it was fun. AND it's awsome out here!! I can't wait to get back! It's hot, but it's a good dry hot! Anyways.. thats all for now..

Thursday, June 21, 2007

So aparently every one is dying to know...

So I went on a date basically all day on Saturday.. and no it wasn't supposed to be an all day thing, but it happens... We went to a park for a picnic, went to the movies (which is the reason it turned into an all day thing..), we sat and talked for quite a while, and I actually got to see stars!!! The last date didn't even compare to this weekend with Steve! And everyone aparently wants to know about him. So here we go: Steve is from Logan he's going to UVSC and wants to be a kindergarden teacher. He went to Florida on his mission. He comes from a family of six kids... I have known him for a few months now and I thought that i had a pretty good idea of who he is. But he is so much better than i thought!! He's an amazing guy and he even opens doors!! (I guess theres a first for everything! haha!!). Anyways.. We are going up to temple square on Sat and then to a singles ward on Sunday (which I think is weird because we dont have any in NY..) But.. thats all for now I guess! I can't think of anything else to say.. I'm a lil tired this morning..

Saturday, June 16, 2007


So, I'm in Utah!! The flights were actually really good!! (shocking i know!!) And the layovers were ok as well.. no creepy people thus far.. And its great to see John, Tara, and the girls!!! I seem to have to win Ruth over still- she's not too sure about me.. However.. My bag seems to have gotten lost.. I was promised at the airport that i was going to get it last night, so i wasn't very mad at all.. Well at 2:30 this morning, NO BAGGAGE!!! So called.. no one was there and the automated person said that they still hadn't located my bag!! So I went to bed last night angry.. And this morning, I called and spoke to a person and she said that the delivery people had picked up my bag at 6:30 this morning and within 12 hours i should have my bag!! So I have been in the same clothes for 24 hours!!! Needless to say, I wasn't very nice to the person on the phone... Anyways.. life moves on...

Monday, June 11, 2007

My first date being single..

So I went on a date the other day with a guy from Texas... He is a pretty cool guy.. He's in the Air Force. Called me ma'am (I couldnt help but laugh!!). We walked around the church sites and it rained a little. But it was a date and he is fun to talk to, but I dont think there will be a second date... It happens... on to the next one!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

..So last month was interesting.. I graduated from NCCC.. havent gotten the diploma yet because I didn't walk... I quit my job at the Zoo and started going back to church (a whole story in itself..). And I started running, thought better of it and now I try to ride my bike every other day or so... And I started getting things in order so that I can hopefully move the first week of July-if all goes well.. I think that is about it..

I made it!

Well i made it to my 21st birthday!! I went to Kirtland, to see the church sites!! It was the best birthday ever!! haha!! I got to have steak and rice and corn!! and the best cake that any of us have ever had!! Its called a banana split cake!! Rumples is trying to get a mouth ful in the pic.