Sunday, June 24, 2007

Another Date

So I applied to a few jobs on Friday.. and three hours later I got a call for an interview!! Haha!! I think that was the fastest call back ever! Steve took me out to Olive Garden and we went to a park and we played on the playground (and it was so much fun!!). Then on Saturday we went to Temple Square. We went on a train (completely over rated!!) I will never go on one again. We watched the Joseph Smith movie, walked around the temple and the square and watched the pioneer movie and a movie on eternal families inside the visitors center. It was a beautiful day and I will have to update with photos later when I get to my cable. And today I went to my first singles ward.. it was deffinately interesting.. but it was fun. AND it's awsome out here!! I can't wait to get back! It's hot, but it's a good dry hot! Anyways.. thats all for now..

Thursday, June 21, 2007

So aparently every one is dying to know...

So I went on a date basically all day on Saturday.. and no it wasn't supposed to be an all day thing, but it happens... We went to a park for a picnic, went to the movies (which is the reason it turned into an all day thing..), we sat and talked for quite a while, and I actually got to see stars!!! The last date didn't even compare to this weekend with Steve! And everyone aparently wants to know about him. So here we go: Steve is from Logan he's going to UVSC and wants to be a kindergarden teacher. He went to Florida on his mission. He comes from a family of six kids... I have known him for a few months now and I thought that i had a pretty good idea of who he is. But he is so much better than i thought!! He's an amazing guy and he even opens doors!! (I guess theres a first for everything! haha!!). Anyways.. We are going up to temple square on Sat and then to a singles ward on Sunday (which I think is weird because we dont have any in NY..) But.. thats all for now I guess! I can't think of anything else to say.. I'm a lil tired this morning..

Saturday, June 16, 2007


So, I'm in Utah!! The flights were actually really good!! (shocking i know!!) And the layovers were ok as well.. no creepy people thus far.. And its great to see John, Tara, and the girls!!! I seem to have to win Ruth over still- she's not too sure about me.. However.. My bag seems to have gotten lost.. I was promised at the airport that i was going to get it last night, so i wasn't very mad at all.. Well at 2:30 this morning, NO BAGGAGE!!! So called.. no one was there and the automated person said that they still hadn't located my bag!! So I went to bed last night angry.. And this morning, I called and spoke to a person and she said that the delivery people had picked up my bag at 6:30 this morning and within 12 hours i should have my bag!! So I have been in the same clothes for 24 hours!!! Needless to say, I wasn't very nice to the person on the phone... Anyways.. life moves on...

Monday, June 11, 2007

My first date being single..

So I went on a date the other day with a guy from Texas... He is a pretty cool guy.. He's in the Air Force. Called me ma'am (I couldnt help but laugh!!). We walked around the church sites and it rained a little. But it was a date and he is fun to talk to, but I dont think there will be a second date... It happens... on to the next one!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

..So last month was interesting.. I graduated from NCCC.. havent gotten the diploma yet because I didn't walk... I quit my job at the Zoo and started going back to church (a whole story in itself..). And I started running, thought better of it and now I try to ride my bike every other day or so... And I started getting things in order so that I can hopefully move the first week of July-if all goes well.. I think that is about it..

I made it!

Well i made it to my 21st birthday!! I went to Kirtland, to see the church sites!! It was the best birthday ever!! haha!! I got to have steak and rice and corn!! and the best cake that any of us have ever had!! Its called a banana split cake!! Rumples is trying to get a mouth ful in the pic.